版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本
聯絡地址:I-1 Flat No -1 , Royale Garden Estate
Crosswords are both educational and fun and this is a great way to develop vocabulary, spelling, reading and writing skills.
Word games are helpful to reinforce spellings in your child’s mind, particularly in the case of crossword, where it’s crucial to spell linked words correctly to be able to complete the task. You can also use word puzzles to inject a bit of fun into learning spellings. Crossword puzzles are really good for improving children’s processing speed, so they are able to arrive at the correct answer, faster.
Kids crosswords is a brilliant tool for those moments when you need a quiet and portable way to keep your child amused, whether that’s on a long journey or during the speeches at a wedding reception
Every kid who loves doing crossword puzzles will love the Kids Crosswords Puzzles because it is designed specifically for children of all ages. They have fun and challenging puzzles that are great for any kid, ages 3 to 18 and beyond, enthusiast who loves crossword puzzles. Enjoy the kids Crossword Puzzles now, your kids will enjoy their spare time and relax while teasing their brain with great puzzles
These Crossword word puzzles help to develop the skills your child will need: verbal reasoning, vocabulary, problem-solving, spelling, grammar and memory.
Kids Crosswords is a very fun and exciting puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE!
- More than 350 crosswords suitable for all
- Great user experience
- Designed to support phones and tablets
- Clue list view
- Answer checking, cheats and highlight mistakes
- Your answers are saved, Resume button to get you to the last puzzle you were playing.
Please select the [HELP] option from the Action bar (the "?" icon at the top-right of the game screen) if you require assistance.
If you require further assistance or are unable to access the in-game help, you can contact us via email: support@ricomsoft.com
Kids Crossword is free to play, but contains aids.